EGU2020 Interpretation of Structured Expert Judgement presentation
A narrated version of this presentation is available here
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A narrated version of this presentation is available here
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Plain language summary
In recent years, the Greenland Ice Sheet has become the largest single source of meltwater contributing to sea-level rise. However, most predictions about the future of the Greenland ice sheet, and hence future sea level rise, focus … Continue reading
Plain language summary
Melting ice sheets in Greenland and the Antarctic, and subsequent sea level rise (SLR) this will cause, are widely recognised as posing a significant threat to coastal communities and ecosystems. Strategies and measures to mitigate and plan … Continue reading
Plain language summary
The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) ‘Grand Challenges’ represent areas of emphasis in scientific research, modelling, analysis and observations for WCRP and its affiliate projects in the coming decade. One of its Grand Challenges, “Regional Sea Level … Continue reading
DOI: m9.figshare.7234886
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