Our team

4-D Modeller team

Jonathan Bamber

Professor Jonathan Bamber
Principle Investigator
Professor of Physical Geography
School of Geographical Sciences,
University of Bristol

Gareth Jones

Dr Gareth Jones
Research Software Engineer,
ACRC RSE (Research Software Engineers) Group,
University of Bristol

Xueqing Yin

Xueqing Yin
Research Associate,
School of Geographical Sciences,
University of Bristol

John Aiken

Dr John Aiken
Industrial Fellow
Expert Analytics,
Oslo, Norway


Anrijs Abele

Research Associate,
School of Geographical Sciences,
University of Bristol

Dr Richard Westaway

Dr Richard Westaway

Project Support
School of Geographical Sciences,
University of Bristol

Finn Lindgren

Professor Finn Lindgren
Project Partner
School of Mathematics,
University of Edinburgh

… and previously as part of the GlobalMass team

Dr Sam Royston



Dr Yann Ziegler



Professor Jonty Rougier, Rougier Consulting Ltd



Dr Stephen Chuter



Fanny Lehmann



Professor Paul Bates



Dr Rory Bingham



Stefan Hofer



Zhe Sha



Maike Schumacher



William Llovel



Alba Martín-Español



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